YouTube is changing the way views and likes are counted

YouTube is changing the way views and likes are counted YouTube is changing the way views and likes are counted

The video streaming platform YouTube is now one of the most important sources of entertainment. Many people start YouTube channels and post videos regularly to earn a hobby or online income.

However, no matter how good the video quality is, if the number of views and likes is low, many viewers will not watch it. Therefore, creators try different methods to increase the number of views and likes on their videos.

To solve this problem, YouTube will introduce the ability to instantly display updated information on video views and likes. 
Currently, video views or likes aren't immediately available on YouTube.

This means YouTube only updates the number of viewers and likes after a video is viewed. Additionally, you'll need to refresh or restart YouTube to see new views and likes.

With the introduction of this new feature, views will only be counted when a viewer watches the video. This allows other viewers to receive up-to-date information on the number of views and likes the video has received. 

Even if you pause the video while it's playing, the number of views will increase. Additionally, viewers can get updated information about their views and likes even when they return to YouTube after using another app or website.

This means YouTube no longer needs to be updated as frequently as before. Currently, a limited number of users have the opportunity to experimentally test this YouTube feature.

The facility is about to open. However, Google has not yet provided any information on whether this option is only available for the premium version or all users.

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আপনি লগ ইন অবস্থায় নেই।
আপনার মতামতটি দেওয়ার জন্য লগ ইন করুন। যদি রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করা না থাকে প্রথমে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করুন।

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আপনি লগ ইন অবস্থায় নেই।
আপনার রিভিউ দেওয়ার জন্য লগ ইন করুন। যদি রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করা না থাকে প্রথমে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করুন।